Much beleaguered these days, but also still much beloved, long may our proud banner wave.
It's also Donald Trump's birthday. Happy birthday, Mr. President, and my sincere best wishes in your reelection battle.
It's my birthday, too. I turn 65 today, now very officially a "seasoned " citizen, as Rush Limbaugh likes to call us. As a special treat, you might want to see photographic evidence that I am maintaining the kind of ponderous dignity associated with elder statesmen...

That's about six months worth of no haircuts. I started off going for the Doc Holliday vibe, began veering in the direction of Tommy Chong, and am now afraid that I've settled on a particularly ghastly transgendered Veronica Lake. Well, barber shops are now open, I believe, so I'd better check in first chance I get.
Happy birthday, my good man!
ReplyDeleteYou seriously do not look 65. I'm 58 and look much older than you. (My hair's about the same length, for the same reason, only light gray.)
Haw! A crafty camera angle hides a multitude of chins.
ReplyDeleteIt's the shirt that does it.
ReplyDeleteMost of my adult life I've heard that I "look 10 years younger than that" when I would tell my age. I just turned 67, and I think my appearance is starting to catch up with the number, but compared to some of my old classmates, I'm still hanging in there I guess. For some reason, I think I've been stuck at about 40 years old in my own mind, and it's frustrating to be a 40 year old man in a 67 year old body.
Wow, Paco, looking pretty good for 65.
ReplyDeleteBy a strange coincidence, I also turned 65 this year and have been told lately by strange women that I'm looking good(where were all these women at when I was slowly going through my middle age?).
But you look like a dang hippy; you definitely have the 70s vibe going with those sunglasses, shirt and long hair.
Rinardman, try being a 16 year old girl in a rapidly failing 73 year old body. Frustrating doesn't describe it.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to our beloved flag, to President Trump, and most especially to you Mr. Paco sir. May Paco Enterprises and your good self continue for many, many more years. I must say, also, the flamingo shirt justifies the hair, but I do miss the tailored suits and fedora.
Hail to the Chief.
ReplyDeleteLast time I had hair growing on my head like that was in the 1970s.
For some reason, I think I've been stuck at about 40 years old in my own mind, and it's frustrating to be a 40 year old man in a 67 year old body.
ReplyDeleteFor me, it's "38 in a 58 year old body"). I think it's because I was 38 when I broke up for good with the "love of my life" and haven't had a serious girlfriend since. I still (hopelessly) pursue the 25-35 year old age group (she was 30 then). It wasn't so sad 15 years ago when I was still in good shape and had "salt & pepper" hair (if you can call sandy blonde and silver gray that).
(TMI, but whatever)
Rebecca: I miss the suits and fedoras, too. I always preferred dressing up in my pinstripes and wingtips to wearing casual attire.
ReplyDeleteBruce: My hair hasn't been this long since I was about 19 years old. In the back, it's so long, I could easily do a ponytail. But I won't. Among Pacos, that is not...The Way.
Mike: those women are probably looking at you as second husband material. Caution is advised!
ReplyDeletesecond husband material
ReplyDeleteOoh. Almost all of my girlfriends (before and after the crazy chick) have been of the "instant family, just add father" kind.
Happy Birthday Paco, hope you had an excellent day.
ReplyDeleteThanks, ck. It was a fine day. Spent much of the day "window shopping" online through an eclectic array of handguns and rifles. So much to choose from...
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Paco! May you have continued abundance of blessings, and your collection of years grow. You look great! You pull off whatever you look you go for. I like both. I love a man in a double-breasted suit. But you'd look out of place at the beach, unless it was a special night dining at the shore. As for the longer hair, it's great. Consider growing it longer and then donating it to a group that makes wigs for cancer patients. My retired Army brother-in-law did. He was the last person I would have thought would grow a ponytail. The Founding Fathers had ponytails.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You can now order from the senior menu, get discounts at the movies, and probably qualify for property tax discounts.
Happy Birthday to President Trump! And may our flag wave!
Paco, if you are a elder statesman now, what will you be in 10, 20, 30 years?
ReplyDeleteWell, I think you look like a proper Southern Gentleman. Except for the shirt. You need a white suit and Col Sanders string tie and perfecto. But are we allowed to do that any more?
ReplyDeleteDeborah: the late elder statesman.
ReplyDeleteGeez, I missed your birthday.
ReplyDeleteWell, Happy Birthday! (for next year)
Bruce: I cannot claim to be a gentleman - but I aspire to be one.
ReplyDeleteVeeshir: Thanks, but no worries. My birthday is not a national holiday (yet).
Paco, I must disagree. Your birthday is a national holiday...for Paco Nation.
DeleteWell, I'm gratified by that! Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, dude!
ReplyDeleteYou are but a couple years ahead of me. Not that I'm excited over the thought of growing older, but it's not like anyone can sidestep the aging process. Still, it's gratifying to see that one can age with grace. And long hair.......
Have you claimed any free coffee refills yet?
No, I haven't started taking advantage of my old man privileges yet, but only because it had't occurred to me. Thanks for the reminder. Also, I need to work on perfecting my delivery of a standard old guy command. Which sounds best?
ReplyDeleteGet outta my yard!
Get outta my yard!
Either would work, Paco, but you need to be brandishing some sort of garden implement, like a shovel, rake, hoe, or shotgun.
ReplyDeleteY'know, for emphasis!
I think I may actually have a pitchfork, that would be cool.
ReplyDeleteSaying it like Clint Eastwood while holding the pitchfork would be cool.