Tuesday, June 16, 2020

I have come to the conclusion that you basically can't trust federal judges. Period.

Roberts and Gorsuch disappoint mightily with recent ruling: "SCOTUS's Transgender Ruling Firebombs the Constitution".

Check out the photo at the article, and behold two of the legal stalwarts who were supposed to help stem the tide of leftist insanity. Have you ever seen two such clueless dopes? Chief Justice Roberts, the thin-lipped, grinning tool of the Washington establishment, who lives in constant fear of being smacked in the face by the media and the Democrat hierarchy with a rolled up copy of the Washington Post, and Associate Justice Gorsuch, whose trash-compacter mouth is just right for chewing up the constitution.

God help us (a phrase, incidentally, which will probably be banned within the next ten years).

Btw, the author of the article, Joy Pullman, sure has the GOP's number:
This is a time to redouble pressure on Republicans to stop helping Democrats shred the Constitution and Americans’ natural rights, withdrawing support from them if they do not. This decision makes Congress irrelevant, unless they decide to make themselves relevant again by eliminating the underlying law on which this decision is based.

The last century of abdicating their responsibilities when in power shows Republicans are not keen on defending our rights. They’d prefer to give rousing speeches about our rights at conventions like CPAC while scapegoating our continued loss of these rights on the judges and the bureaucracy they’re supposed to oversee. That needs to end, and for it to end, all constitutional hypocrites need to be made uncomfortable until they do the right thing.
She's absolutely right, but the cowardice, laziness and absence of genuine principals is a rot that has set in deeply, and, quite possibly, fatally.


  1. I'd have no problem with the "gay" part, but forcing a business to hire some dude wearing a dress is just messed up.
    Mental illness should not be rewarded. That's how you get more mental illness.

  2. Yeah, that's my problem with it, mainly, the inability to distinguish between mental illness and "preference".

  3. It also must mean forcing women to share a bathroom with a dude in a dress, or who just 'identifies' as a woman.

  4. The worst part?
    It could be the ruination of Hooters.
    Commie bastids.

  5. Hooters. Now, that's the hills to die on.

  6. "hills to die on"

    I see what you did there.

  7. I was going to post something about Title IX being neutered, but Paco beat me to the puns.
