Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Of course he does: Lincoln was a Republican.

"Democrat Boston Mayor Supports Removal of Abraham Lincoln Statue – The Man Who Ended Slavery in the United States".


  1. Erasing the past, one memorial at a time. Leftist academia's foot soldiers are on the march...

    To the Collectivists (Communists, Socialists, Fascists, Islamists), everything before them is "disbelief" and must be erased. Tens of millions of Chinese died in the "Cultural Revolution", which was intended to erase the past, destroying "the Four Olds": Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas. Today's Liberal-Left "Progressive" Democrats are doing the same thing (the bloodshed might still happen if they get control again).

    It is always Year Zero to the totalitarian.

    1. Well put, Spiny. It is the action of the "fundamental transformation of America" that Obama promised.
