Sunday, June 21, 2020

One wonders

Do New Yorkers make the connection between applied left-wing politics and real world outcomes? Do they blame moronic Marxists like De Blasio or do they consider their problems to be (as the insurance companies would say) acts of God?
Shootings are surging this week in New York City, with 28 incidents and 38 victims reported since Monday — the day the NYPD disbanded its plainclothes anti-crime unit, The Post learned on Friday.

By comparison, the same week last year there were only 12 shootings for the entire week.

“This is what the politicians wanted — no bail, nobody in Rikers, cops not arresting anyone,” one angry law enforcement source said Friday.

“All those things equal people walking around on the street with guns, shooting each other.”
For all their tough talk and bluster and high self-regard, the majority of New Yorkers just do not seem capable of ditching their superstitious attachment to the Democratic Party. Keep banging yourselves in the head with those hammers, folks. One of these days the collective skull will split open and then you won't feel a thing.


  1. NYC folks voted for term limits for mayor and city council.
    That's why Giuliani didn't run again even though he would have won in a landslide in 2002.
    Bloomberg and the city council voted against term-limits when they wanted to stay in office.

    NYC folks then voted them all in. After Bloomberg and company let them know their desires are unimportant.
    They won't vote any differently.
    I'm in favor. Let's see how NYC types like it when their standard of living goes straight in the crapper.

  2. ...the majority of New Yorkers just do not seem capable of ditching their superstitious attachment to the Democratic Party.

    What difference, at this point, does it make? Even if they were to have an epiphany regarding their Dimocrat overlords, are there any people left in NYC who would run as Republicans, to oppose the entrenched Dimocrats? They would probably just elect a new bunch of Dimocrats, hoping for different results.

  3. Some snark about all that gun control measues in New York -- and New York City! -- would be in order, if this wasn't so pathetic.

    More and more, what's happening in cities across the nation (and in some cities around the world) reminds me of the "Mouse Utopia" experiment. A life of ease and plenty lead to decadence and destruction. Throw in communism, and the future does not look bright.

    The thing is, humans aren't mice. More humans need to remember that.
