Sunday, June 7, 2020

Rogue's gallery

Mittens Romney and Duh!'b ya aren't going to support Trump. Their prerogative, of course, and absolutely no surprise, but whether they actually wind up supporting Biden or some third-party nobody, they both disgust me, especially Bush. Romney has always been an obvious opportunist, but Bush, as president, knew what it was like to be subjected to the grossest bias and the most violent, unhinged rhetoric, so one would have hoped that that experience would have provided him with a more tolerant outlook on Trump's style, while also confirming him in the knowledge that Leftists in this country are the main enemy. Apparently, though, it was his particular masochistic kink to revel in the vitriol poured on him, because he never lifted a finger to combat the Democrats' lies and propaganda and defend himself, which policy of neurotic restraint wound up hurting the whole country, not just his own reputation, something he either couldn't see or didn't really care about.

And this should be interesting: "Biden intends to roll out his 'Republicans for Biden' coalition later in the campaign, after fully consolidating his own party". What a pathetic conga line of pusillanimous losers and establishment back-stabbers that is going to be.


  1. Here's an interesting meme:

    "If voting for Trump makes me a racist, then your vote for Biden makes you a pervert. That's Fair."

  2. Personally, I believe W Bush's masochism when it came to being pilloried by the media was just part of his job. Imo, secretly he loved it.
    He was placed in the position of POTUS to carry through with the 911 false flag by waging wars in the ME, thereby creating millions of mohammedan refugees to overrun and destabilize the West and generally to create anarchy and mayhem by provoking jihad in response by the islamic world.
    The bastards used American patriotism to carry out their agenda.

    He was there to give conservatism and patriotism a bad name(with the help of communists in media and education).
    We are currently seeing the fruit of this strategy in the hordes of young people currently prostrating themselves before black hooligans, along with general anarchy.

    Maybe Trump really is a patriot; I hope to God he is.
    Else George W and the rest of the Freemasons setting up the NWO wouldn't hate him as much as they apparently do.

  3. Bush was against Trump in 2016, why change now?

    One of my favorite stories from 2016 was a conversation from a party where Bush and a Kennedy scion were talking about how they were going to support Clinton.

    Trump, like Palin before him, is not of the right class to be acceptable to our ruling class.

    Personally, I think Trump likes the attacks, he loves winning.
    He's been going against the ruling classes of every nation on the Earth, except Israel I'd say, and winning.
    That has to make a megalomaniac happy.

  4. the 911 false flag


    Infowars is that way --->

  5. I supported Bush only to find out that he's Obama with a flag pin on his lapel.

  6. I remember defending Bush many times in comment threads because the fact-free hate directed toward him was so over the top. I regret now that I did.

  7. I thought W carried himself with some dignity, keeping a low profile during the Obama years. Now I realise he was just going easy on his ideological brother.

  8. Yeah, Dubya was a false flag. A polite false flag, but a false flag nonetheless.
