Friday, July 24, 2020

Bring it on

"Antifa splinter cells are planning a day of terrorism across the country in retaliation for the feds doing the job that Portland police won’t do after they took control of the rioting mobs. Tomorrow, Saturday, July 25th, is being dubbed J25, and actions are planned in several cities."

"I'm looking forward to a lively debate".

Update Related? "Prominent Black Trump Supporter Murdered in Milwaukee".

Do Black Lives Matter? I guess the answer is nuanced.


stevew said...

Do Black Lives Matter? Not the ones (thousands?) aborted every day.

rinardman said...

"Antifa splinter cells are planning a day of terrorism across the country...

I wonder how many of the cities they have plans for are cities in red states with Republican mayors? Or will it be more blue state, Dim run cities like it always is?

If it's the latter, ho hum.

Veeshir said...

Phoenix would be interesting.
It's full of lefties, but it's also full of well armed people.

The killing of the Trump supporter is a bad thing.
If they start doing that regularly, they'll find out that we aren't going to go quietly into that good night.
The gov't had better stomp on that hard. If not, things could could get very bad very quickly.

Paco said...

stevew: Absolutrly right.

V: Yes, I think most people (or a critical mass of them, anyway) are not going to meekly offer their throats to these social justice assassins. So, as you say, if the government doesn't rectify the problem, the citizenry will.

Deborah said...

Very sad and true. All lives matter starting with the preborn.

RebeccaH said...

At present, we are camped in a KOA outside a place called Hurricane, Utah. Magnificent desert mountain scenery, and not an fascist in sight (as far as I can tel). The kids and grandkids don't live in cities, so I'm not worried about them. As for the antifa anthills, let them burn if the authorities won't do anything, and that goes double for Seattle, where the police chief just told the citizens that they're on their own, since the city council banned crowd control tools. If I were the police, I'd find a nice quiet cemetery to park in until daylight, when the cockroaches go into hiding.

Paco said...

Hurricane, and nearby St. George, were on my original prospective list of places to retire. It is beautiful out there.

Spiny Norman said...

Antifa splinter cells

Marxist front "International ANSWER" used to refer to the "Antifa" precursor "Black Bloc" as a "splinter group" whenever they'd cause looting, arson and mayhem at their anti-capitalism protests, and insisted they were not responsible for Black Bloc's actions. Except the black-masked street punks were ALWAYS there, always at the ready.