Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Dear progressives

Use a short stick or ruler; you can improve the force of impact.


  1. No, the best thing to do is to just go up and rip it open with your bare hands. Then you can make faces into the camera to show Trump you found his camera, and you're smarter than he is.

  2. OT, but new noose at construction site near Johns Hopkins!!!!!!!
    Except there's no picture of said noose. The only two stories I've seen that have it used stock photos.
    Piece of rope used to lift or loser something?
    Or not even rope, something vaguely rope-like used to raise or lower something?
    I don't see any other likely explanation.

  3. Easy call: total b.s. being inflated into another "fact" that will be disproved and demoted to a "teachable moment".

  4. It is imperative that, once you've knocked down the fake hornet's nest, to drop trou and moon the camera. The reward will be that much more satisfactory.

  5. Excellent point, Rebecca. We need to get that info out there, pronto.

  6. Hornets. Nasty creatures that exist solely to fuck things up.

    Sorta on that topic, we had a swimming pool when we lived in Orange County back in the early 70s, and my brother and I (and a couple of our friends) used to knock down paper wasps' nests under the eaves of our house with slingshots - until my brother got trapped in the side yard and couldn't climb over the fence. He probably was stung 60 or 70 times, and had to go to the hospital.

    My mom: "You're going to leave them alone now, aren't you?"

  7. I meant "My mom to the rest of us:"

    My brother did not need the reminder.
