Tuesday, July 14, 2020

You learn something new every day

But you don't always learn something weird and absurdly amusing every day, as I have within the last half hour.

Stacy McCain tackles the wild comments of Nick Cannon, a racial fantasist and anti-Semite who was, until recently, host of America's Got Talent (he was fired by CBS today). Stacy touches upon, among other things, the obscure history of Wallace Fard, founder of the Nation of Islam who, as Stacy and Wikipedia point out, was very likely a white man.

I think that's hilarious. That awful sect has given us dangerous black racist fanatics such as Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan, and has pushed an agenda of black separatism for decades, and yet the founder of the outfit seems to have been some white dude who did time in San Quentin.

It's as if Kwanzaa had turned out to have been created by Robert Byrd.


Jonah said...

Well if they're not hep to Margaret Sanger and her eugenicism yet, I doubt if Wallace Fard will mean anything to them.

RebeccaH said...

Not only a probable white man, but a con man to boot. Kind of reminds me of Jim Jones.

Spiny Norman said...

I heard about the founder of NOI being white when I was in high school, told by the same (allegedly) pot-smoking Libertarian history and civics teacher - the same one who repeatedly referred to Howard Zinn's magnum opus as "A Pravda History of the United States".

The guy looked and sounded so much like Jamie Hynemann that I was genuinely startled the first time I saw Mythbusters. (BTW, RIP Grant.)