Monday, July 20, 2020

Your call

Is it real or is it satire?


RebeccaH said...

The left killed satire dead, so it has to be real.

Veeshir said...

First it's one, then the other.

bruce said...

Since many 'white people' in the current population only came to the US after the Civil War, blacks as an older American population obviously will have more 'slave owner' blood than 'whites' now.

So since many blacks are partly desecended from slave owners and most whites are not, whatever effect 'slave owner blood' has should be seen more in them than in whites.

bruce said...

Haven't blacks told us that they often have an ancestor who was a rich slave owner? Poor whites of course could not afford to own slaves.

Is that why blacks behave like a spoiled elite, because that's who they are descended from? Is that why they look down on poor 'crackers'? Because their grt grt grt grandaddy was the guy in the big house and they can't shake the elitism? You can extend this argument in ways they won't like.

Spiny Norman said...

It doesn't matter a whit, bruce. If you're white in America, you "directly benefited from slavery", even if you had ancestors who were active in the Underground Railroad before the Civil War (my grandmother's family in Ohio are proud of that part of their history).

Apparently, slaves created and built EVERYTHING in America, even the manufacturing in the Northern states decades after they outlawed slavery in the first years of the 19th century. Of course, we have idiots, ostensibly on the right, who claim "there were more slaves in the North than in the South" at the time of the "War of Northern Aggression" launched "illegally by the traitor Abraham Lincoln". They tend to get angry with me when I point out that if you called a Missourian, a Kentuckian, or a Marylander, a "Yankee" in 1860, you'd have a fight on your hands.

bruce said...

Guess what Spiny, my ancestor was related by marriage (not blood to me) to 'the largest slave owner in Trinidad during the nineteenth century':

He even wrote a book which says you have to whip your house servants or they back talk.

I feel a bit guilty that Americans are being blamed for all this while I'm over here where no one says anything about it. Sorry guys! I have other direct ancestors who made up for what my people did to black people (one founded Gandhi's and Mandella's Congress Party no less). But we did nuthin for our US cousins and now you're getting blamed.

Gregoryno6 said...

'Apparently, slaves created and built EVERYTHING in America'
Say hello to Bruce Pascoe, a whitefella Australian who discovered a few years ago that he was more aboriginal than Neville Bonner and Lionel Rose combined. Pascoe is the current darling of the local lefties. Google Dark Emu. Or just take everything the Afro-Am crazies are saying and give it an Australian accent.

bruce said...

Lot of Australians are named Bruce aren't they?

JeffS said...

Considering how lefties are -- in all seriousness -- labeling sleep as "racist", I'm going with real.