Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Getting tiresome

This is the third year in a row we've experienced a hurricane. We only had minor damage - a piece of siding came off, and a couple of plants got uprooted - but, still, tedious.

Pretty sure this doesn't happen in Arizona.


  1. Now, Paco, if you'd listen to your betters, you'd blame Global Warming for the hurricanes, not Mother Nature. And if you were in Arizona, you'd complain about the heat, made even worse by...again...Global Warming!

  2. Glad to you see you came through okay.

    AZ has 3 or 4 months where going outside is painful. We're halfway through that period now.
    We get hurricane conditions once in a while in August and September, monsoon season. But only for about 20 minutes.

    1. You're lucky that it's a dry heat. Here in south Texas, we experience high humidity for a few months. The weather report shows a chart that ranges from low to muggy to oppressive. August/September temperatures usually are in the 100s.

      Now there is hand sanitizer to go with the sunblock.

  3. Paco, good to hear y'all came thru it pretty well. Did those uprooted plants stay on your place or relocate to parts unknown?

  4. No, they just blew around the yard. Fortunately, I think the root systems will regenerate.

    Humidity makes it rough, no doubt about it. But I've been out in the Sonora Desert country when it was 117 degrees F., and I'll tell you: dry heat or not, when it's 117, it's time to go inside.

    1. Good to hear about the plants.

      Re:heat. My family moved from Hawaii to Phoenix in 69, and once we acclimated it wasn't too bad. I wonder how the push for electric cars will work out because every house in the desert has their air conditioner running this time of year. The aging grid hasn't been increased and maintained, so.... Maybe Elon Musk should open another venture. He knows about electricity, right?

  5. Yeah, it's a dry heat.
    The kind the Egyptians used to make mummies.

  6. it's a dry heat...

    I was in Indio last week when it was 121°. It equaled a 50-year-old record, I think. My car's getting a new transmission, so I was driving my dad's F-150. The a/c in it is like a commercial refrigerator, so I had no idea how hot it was until I stepped out of the truck and was knocked back by the heat. Damn.

    1. I know what you mean. Years ago, I was in Needles. I stepped out into the 117 degree heat and thought my sneaker soles would melt before I got inside the restaurant. Damn indeed.
