Friday, August 14, 2020

Given Kamala's ambition, I'm sure he could use a food taster

"Hillary Clinton Willing To Serve In Biden Administration".


bruce said...

HP Lovecraft came up with the phrase, 'Lurker at the threshold'. Seems to fit Hill.

rinardman said...

I'm willing for her to serve a term in jail.

Hilliary. You can't spell her name without the word 'liar' in the middle.

Paco said...

Lurker at the threshold. Perfect.

R-man: I never noticed that about her name. Good spotting.

RebeccaH said...

If they let Hillary into a Biden administration, I'm not sure Slow Joe would be the only one to need a food taster. Kamala-nose-under-the-tent might need one too.

Deborah said...

If Hillary were in the Harris administration Joe would be enticed to an orchard or park. Maybe for a picnic. This ushers in the Joe Biden Memorial Administration. Girl power or cat fight....

JeffS said...

If Billiary is part of a hypothetical Biden-Harris administration, they'd best double the security on all aircraft.

Just sayin'.

Veeshir said...

Deb, she wouldn't have to entice Joe to a park or orchard for his body to end up there.
To quote Hillary, we are the president!