Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday funnies


Man scripts...

As long as the snake doesn't look over its shoulder, everything ought to be ok (H/T: David Thompson)

Two amateur entomologists study a caterpillar. (H/T: Ditto).

From Powerline's "The Week in Pictures".


  1. Antifa bag limit? Probably none, so long as the paperwork is in order.

  2. The toad is counting on the fact that snakes don't HAVE shoulders.

  3. The Toad and Snake would be an ideal name for a pub.

  4. I drove junkers when I was younger but I'm happy to say I've never had a car payment.

  5. I think the only thing my dad bought new, was a tractor in 1947 (that I still have). I've bought 5 new trucks, since 1982. Like I told a friend, if no one buys new trucks, there won't be used ones for you to buy. He grudgingly admitted "that's true, I guess."

    1. That tractor may be worth more than the five trucks. I love old tractors, vehicles, motorcycles...antiques. Our 2012 Toyota Tacoma just turned 100725 miles. It only had 17,000 when purchased in 2014.

  6. ck: I'm with you. I'd only buy what I could get for cash.

    R-man: A 1947 tractor? Positively awesome!

  7. A 1947 tractor? Positively awesome!

    Actually, it's a 1948 Farmall C. Don't know why I typed 47. The flywheel ring gear & starter Bendix had lost most of their teeth and that made it very hard to get it started. I just finished replacing those and the clutch plate, and some other stuff, so now it's more user friendly. The tractor itself isn't worth a lot, but I grew up with that tractor, and it's the first motorized vehicle I ever drove (technically, I just steered it), when I was probably 7 years old. Lots of sentimental value. I'll send you some pictures.

  8. Same here. The first thing I ever "drove" (with my grandfather's help) was a tractor.
