Saturday, August 29, 2020

The crocodile does not care that you love him

Portland Black Lives Matter Have Chained Themselves Together in Lobby of Leftist Mayor Ted Wheeler’s Apartment.

This mayor's such a feckless leftist doofus, he'll probably let them in to use his bathroom. Whatever you do, it will never be enough, Ted!


Spiny Norman said...

Among their demands is that he dismantle the entire Roman imperialist apparatus...

RebeccaH said...

It must be galling to kiss butt and grovel and declare yourself a supporter and have them turn on you. At least I hope it is.

JeffS said...

Appeasement does not work. The history behind the word "danegeld" demonstrates that ... ... and how poorly it worked out for the peasants.

But Wheeler and the other "elites" care little for that.

Paco said...

Yeah, all that hard work sucking up to a bunch of anarchists, and this is the thanks he gets? Well, all I can say is LOL!

JeffS said...

Really. Wheeler ought to consult with an expert on this matter.

Steve Skubinna said...

Apparently it is a myth that King Vortigern was the one to invite the Saxons into Great Britain, after which they overran the island. Regardless, it is an enduring one, still current today.

If Ted Wheeler enjoys a similar legacy however, it will be entirely deserved. Assuming, that is, that there remains a civilization on the future site of Portland to propagate it.

Veeshir said...

Huh, showing weakness encourages more aggression.

Jonah said...

He probably invited them there. "See, it's not partisan! They just have real concerns about their future!" Softens the optics.

or not I dunno.

Deborah said...

"Pray for peace so they kill you last" (H/T Richard McEnroe

Paco said...

Reminds me of one of my favorite lines from the classic film noir, Out of the Past:

Jane Greer: "Jeff, I don't want to die!"

Bob Mitchum: "Neither do I, baby, but if I have to, I'm gonna die last".