Saturday, September 19, 2020

Fossilized irrelevance

A couple of commenters - was it Spiny and ck? - mentioned the blog Little Green Footballs a few posts back. Just out of curiosity, I googled it, and the site is till there - and it's exactly what you would expect: splenetic, anti-Trump garbage.


  1. LGF was a happening thing from 2002 to 2006 or so. I think he hooked up with a hippy girlfriend about that time, because the drift to the left that started around '06 was pretty obvious in retrospect. I abandoned it in 2008, deleted the link, and never went back. I found out I'd been banned in 2010, apparently for posting snark at Tim Blair's old blog.

  2. Haven't gone to LGF in years. Don't remember why...probably because they went Left. Put them in the "once was" bin.

  3. He was a lefty until 9/11, then he went hard left insane.
    When he denied he'd ever called Rachel Corrie St. Pancake I lost all respect.
    Balloon Juice was another that went left insane. He was very conservative, the Emperor, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler still has a link calling him the saint John Cole. His comment section went insane then he went full crazy lefty. Balloon Juice is still crazy.
    His conversion was stranger than LGF and Sullivan. They just reverted to form, he just totally changed.

  4. Johnson was more liberal than leftist before 9/11. He may have been "reverting to form" prior to joining the cult of Obama, but was definitely hard-left in 2008.

  5. When he denied he'd ever called Rachel Corrie St. Pancake I lost all respect.

    That was a turning point for a lot of his readers.

  6. Ha, I used to go by Balloon Juice too. But like LGF I just kind of drifted away before either one of them went nuts.

  7. I used to read Little Green Footballs because the posts were sharp and incisive, and often funny, but like everyone else I finally abandoned it when it started to get nutty. I don't remember the year, but it was a long time ago, and I had lost my tolerance for leftism after 9/11. I didn't know it was even still a thing.
