Thursday, September 3, 2020

Happy Feet Friday

Tex Williams with “That's What I Like About the West”.


  1. In the spirit of the last few posts in re, splitting off the west, I offer:
    So the commisar demanded of me the reasons that I stayed.
    I groveled, kneeled, vomited, and then I caught my breath.
    I called my neighborhood watch captain to get xer ok
    then after xhe approved my words, this is what I said.

  2. We got Nortenos and Surenos together Adam 12
    Crips and Bloods released from bondage
    yes it makes me smile.
    Liquid meth in Portland, Frisco, Fresno
    Anything else you can't get it-it's stolen.

  3. That's what I like about the west.
    Marxist feminism is the best.
    You can prove that you're a man drinking fruit juice...from a can?
    That's what I like about the west.

  4. I'm up against it. 3 comments limit. Good morning.

  5. Tex played a toe-tapper, that's for sure!

  6. Sad to say, when Tex recorded that toe-tapper, California and the West were "Golden" and "the Land of Opportunity". The Marxist cancer that eventually ruined it was already metastasizing on our vaunted Ivy League campuses.
