Monday, September 21, 2020

Level of self-awareness: zero

Did you ever notice how Hillary gets a wild, yearning look in her eyes every time she accuses Trump of lusting for power? This is another way you can tell she's projecting like a clackety old Bell and Howell. 


  1. I have no desire to talk about, or even think about Hilliary, so...

    ...she's projecting like a clackety old Bell and Howell.

    Weird, but when I read that I had a flashback to my high school days in the late 60's when I was one of the school movie projectionists, and I would cart a B&H projector to various classrooms to show movies the teacher had chosen to show the students in his class. And yes, it did produce a clackety-clack that I remember well. And I was such a nerd that I was sure all the other students were mightily impressed by how cool I was setting up such a complicated machine, and making it perform. Good times!

  2. Either projecting or she's fantasising about being married to Trump. She may have a secret wish that she'd married someone like Trump instead of Bill who has let her down in the long run. Dream on, Hill, that was never going to happen.

  3. R-man: I worked with a guy when I was employed as a bureaucrat with the yankee government who went to High School with Harrison Ford, and he said Ford was one of their projectionists.

  4. See? That proves that the projectionists were the most talented and good looking...oh, wait. I already admitted I was a projectionist.

    Okay, some projectionists were talented & good looking. Most were just nerds.
