Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Up-Chuck Schumer tries to pull a fast one

"Sen. Ted Cruz blocked a ceremonial resolution honoring the life of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after Democrats, under the direction of Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, tried to use the occasion to push a political message. The Texas Republican objected to language added to the resolution noting Ginsburg’s reported dying wish that a successor not be chosen until after the election..."

You know, if the people of New York keep electing garbage politicians as their senators (and governors and mayors), it's going to be very difficult to avoid drawing certain conclusions about the voters.


  1. I know I harp on this but.....
    Draw those conclusions.
    They have the gov't they want.

  2. Yes, I was being facetious. They've known for years what they were getting. Why they keep settling for it is the strongest argument I've seen for the assertion that liberalism (or progressivism or leftism or whatever "ism" one prefers to call it) is a form of mental illness.
