Thursday, September 24, 2020

What a waste

"Man dies from eating bags of black licorice".

How pointless. I mean, it would be something glorious to go out on overindulgence in Baby Ruth bars or Milky Ways or (drool!) pecan turtles, but black licorice? Just sad. RIP, old fellow.


  1. It's a good think I loathe licorice. BLEAH!

    I pick through my jelly beans, in a reverse panning-for-gold operation.

  2. Never was a fan of black licorice.

    Red vines, on the other hand... one job I had at school was at nights, and I'd get a package of Red Vines from the vending machine every night. One day I looked into the toilet bowl and saw red...

    After a moment's panic, decided to quit the Red Vines for a few days and see what happened. Sure enough, back to normal. I assume that the dye used is not entirely broken down by the digestive tract.

  3. Yeah, kinda like that, Mike ..... :D

    Steve, try spiking the party punch bowl with a medical dye! He he he he he!

    Just don't have a reputation as a practical joker .....

  4. Mmmm, Milky Way. Yes, Red Vines are far superior to black licorice. As a kid I loved walking down to the candy shop at the Lake Arrowhead Village and getting fresh soft red licorice.

  5. Never was a fan of licorice of any kind. I don't eat candy of any kind these days, but if I wanted to die of overindulgence in candy, it would probably have to be Snickers bars. Back when I didn't have to concern myself about too much sugar, there wouldn't be very many days without a Snickers bar. The times I'd take my lunch to work, there'd be a Snickers bar packed for dessert, or a break time snack.

    Oh, and I was one of those weirdos who like frozen Snickers, too. Especially on a hot summer day.

    1. I'll join you in the weirdo club because I very much enjoy frozen candies. Chocolates like Snickers, Heath bars, Dove (especially the dark with nuts. I enjoy frozen Zero bars too.

  6. Paco, I wish there were Baby Ruth bars in this area. I was just looking for one. Please have one (at least) for me. Enjoy!

  7. I like licorice, black or red. Mom always had Bridge Mix. Now, about the only place you can find it is at a Cracker Barrel Restaurant's gift shop.

  8. Deb, I'm afraid they're off my diet, but I do love them.
