Friday, October 16, 2020

Mmmm, who's cooking pork chops?

 Oh, wait, that's not the aroma of fat center-cut chops on the grill; it's Ace applying a blowtorch to the pretend-journalists at The Dispatch, for serving as "fact-checkers" in the employ of Facebook - and shooting down a pro-life advertisement with their customary tortured, jesuitical "reasoning".

And speaking of NeverTrumpers, did you see that Sassy Benn Sasse, Vichy Republican Senator and notorious backstabber* from Nebraska, launched a tirade against Trump? Rick Moran at PJ Media floats an idea that is both (1) entirely plausible, and (2) positively hilarious: he suggests that Sasse is trying to create a path to the presidency for himself.

Sasse thinks that Republicans are going to want a candidate with anti-Trump credentials in 2024. He is expecting the president to lose and the Republican Party to disown him.
What universe will that happen in, senator?
What the anti-Trump and Never Trump crowds have never understood is the regular Republican embrace of the president. They don’t care whose butt he kisses. They care about whose butt he’s kicking. They don’t see Trump “flirting” with white supremacists. They see him defending rural white culture. They don’t want to vote for a pansy-ass, get-along-go-along Republican. They want war. They want blood. They want Trump.

* Trump endorsed this corn-holer in 2019. 

Whether Trump wins or loses, the NeverTrumpers become instantly irrelevant the day after the election. There is no deeper meaning to their existence, no well thought out philosophy that transcends their self-absorbed bubbles and the TDS that propels them around, pointlessly, in the air of our toxic politics. 


Steve Skubinna said...

The Never Trumpers will be fine. They have no skin in the game, their lives continue as always regardless of who wins. One thing you can be certain of, the entire parasitic coastal establishment class will still have their sinecure positions on the smart media outlets and the think tanks and the foundations.

Riots don't encroach on their homes. Economic downturns never affect their livelihoods. Nobody they know gets laid off whatever industries shut down. You could take all of them, place them face down on a table, and shuffle, and then deal them out to all the cushy jobs they've reserved for themselves and nothing will change. NYT, MSNBC, CNN, The Atlantic, National Review, The Bulwark, WaPo. PBS, you can slot any one into any position and the end result will look the same.

Paco said...

Well, the NeverTrumpers will have to reinvent themselves or at least come up with a new label. I don't think they're strictly interchangeable with established leftist talking heads in the media, because part of their role has always been to provide a gloss of "balance" ("See? Even real conservatives hate Trump!") If the Left truly comes to dominate government and culture (with, say, a Biden victory and by retaking the Senate), I'm not sure it will need the Kristols, Goldbergs, et al as their Judas goats; with the Left triumphant, who cares what the sheep do, whether they are gulled or not? "Didn't Trump lose? We don't need these intellectual Mamelukes anymore!" Plus, I think most people on the Left actually despise the Vichy conservatives, if for no other reason than because they supported the Evil George Bush - a sin that is never going to be completely forgivable and will always serve to bar them from full membership in the club.

Of course, if Trump wins, I suppose they can continue providing a fake conservative alternative in the hope of shaping the next Republican presidential candidacy, and they can continue with the status quo. I believe they will have zero influence on the outcome of such an important event, but it may well be the case that they will thrive, personally, because billionaires will keep propping them up as marketers of the advantages of low-cost foreign labor, and as opponents to any attempt to rein in the power of the social media companies.

Spiny Norman said...

For what it's worth, Trump endorsed my out-going RINO Congressman Paul Cook - who was the first in front of the microphones blaming "harsh rhetoric" for the he Pittsburgh synagogue shooting - and Cook then used that as a bludgeon against the actual conservative in the race, Tim Donnelly. For those who might not recall, "harsh rhetoric" was the go-to Dem/Media talking points blaming Trump for every mass killing since 2015 (including the one in New Zealand).

Paco said...

I see that Mitt Romney is preparing to do his Annual Republican Good Deed and vote for Amy Coney Barrett.

Deborah said...

Trump endorsed a RINO for the House in my district. The theory is that someone close to the President told him the guy was a stand-up guy. He forgot to mention that Tony was against Trump, and supported by the open borders group LULAC.

We had a fantastic grassroots candidate who came within a few votes during the recount. Due to lack of funds, the recount was not completed. Now the RINO is running against Lefty Democrat Gina Ortiz Jones. There are some who promote a write-in campaign. I try to tell them that write-ins rarely are successful, and the stakes too high to gamble.

Please pray for CD23.

Spiny Norman said...

CA8 is as stoutly GOP as any in this state, but we have been saddled with RINO squishes for decades, and that includes former House GOP chairman Jerry Lewis when we were CA41.

Paco said...

I see that Romney, as usual, followed up his Annual Republican Good Deed by returning immediately to RINO mode by criticizing Trump for not denouncing QAnon, of all things.

I think the main thing pushed by QAnon is that there is a huge, secret child trafficking ring involving Democratic politicians, Hollywood types, and various tycoons, and that Trump is engaged in taking this operation down. Maybe it is just a phony conspiracy theory, I have no idea. But consider the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein, his wide circle of "clients", and, recently, the dozens of missing children across the country who have been rescued (some of them, I believe, had been sold into sex trafficking). Think about the mores of Hollywood, the Roman Polanskis of the world, that rich Democrat donor whose home became a house of horrors for young black drug addicts who "accidentally" died from overdoses after engaging in sex with the monster. None of this has to be result of the operations of a "ring", it could just be the usual path that evil takes in the world. But I read somewhere that Jake tapper is also knocking the President for not denouncing QAnon, so one gathers that the real significance of QAnon conspiracy thinking, regardless of its truth or falsehood, is that it's just another club with which to strike at Trump, and to deflect the mounting evidence of the Biden family's criminality.

Veeshir said...

The only thing I'm pretty sure of is that every conspiracy theory is true.

Paco said...

I've never understood why a conspiracy theory is somehow supposed to be less believable than any other kind. In times like these, conspiracies would seem to be almost the only way to pull off the big time criminality and political fraud envisioned by the Democrat/Media complex.

JeffS said...

Information operations work against targeted memes, Paco, in order to control a given narrative. If a group decides that a popular belief goes against their objectives, BANG!, it's attacked.

I don't know if it was planned, or if IO teams just took advantage of them, but conspiracy theories have long tended to be assigned to the tin foil hat brigade. So labeling a meme as a "conspiracy theory" works to discredit it. It helps not at all that there has been been genuine whackos pushing unrealistic (or downright lunatic) scenarios as "truth".

Remember JournoList? How a lot of "journalists" labeled it as a conspiracy theory? Hell, I remember, to this day, a long and bitter argument on Tim Blair's old blog, on that very topic. It took someone publishing the e-mails from the list to blow that "conspiracy theory" apart. Until then, it was just a "conspiracy theory", and hence not possible. Just ask anyone in the media.

These days, being labeled a "conspiracy theory" is less likely to relegate something to the trash bin. There has been too much evidence of genuine conspiracies, combined with "journalists" actively discrediting any related "conspiracy theory", for some people to be suspicious.

Alas, that takes critical thinking, and that's a skill being pushed as "racist" these days.

Perhaps that's a coincidence. And ... ... perhaps not.