Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A common feature of totalitarian societies...

 ...is to enforce rules through the control of "chokepoints" in our lives. In Chile, for example, during the Allende regime, if you were poor and relied on government subsidies for food and medical care, you could find yourself cut off if you didn't vote the right way, or failed to publicly demonstrate your support for the Popular Unity coalition. 

In the U.S., the arbitrary and dictatorial edicts of several governors in connection with COVID-19 constitute a trial run for despotism under the cover of any number of potentially "vital" exigencies (climate change, gun control, "right-wing" violence, you name it).  In New Mexico, I suppose many people are going to start having Grub Hub airlift meals in: "New Mexico governor shuts down grocery stores for two weeks".


Steve Skubinna said...

And that's just the start. They demand that all Trump appointees be barred from public life, from in fact ever holding employment again. How far from there does it come to ordinary Joe was seen wearing a MAGA hat or worse yet had a Trump sign in his yard?

What happens when "those people" apply for a promotion or a job or a mortgage? What happens when the DoJ forces the NRA and GOA and 2AF to open their membership rolls and it becomes common knowledge you're a "domestic terrorist?" What happens when news organization pry loose the lists of CCW holders? What happens to your kids when they apply for a school?

bruce said...

The enemy is probing for "choke points" as you say, places or processes where they can exercise their power to maximum effect. Criminal gangs do the same thing, it's as old as human history. Literally, like when gangsters taking control of a spot on a trade route, like a bridge, where everyone has to pass thru. Or more abstract like working the legal system to advantage.

RebeccaH said...

We don't have to look to Chile to see the effect. New York City has established coronavirus "checkpoints" for law enforcement to stop and check travelers into and out of the city and to enforce quarantining. If that's not Stalinesque totalitarianism, I don't know what is, and I don't think for a minute it can't be applied to other conditions besides the scamdemic.