Friday, December 4, 2020

John Sullivan: ignoramus, megalomaniac and disgrace to the federal bench

John Sullivan, the self-appointed persecutor of Michael Flynn, reportedly is mulling over a challenge to President Trump's pardon of the general.

I doubt that he can do anything, but the fact that he won't let go of this case, in spite of the DOJ's decision to drop charges, and in spite of the unethical, if not illegal, process by which Flynn was ensnared as part of the coup attempt against Trump, reveals this jurist to be an ignorant and vindictive son of a bitch who ought to be impeached.

I think an important contribution to the coming rebellion/civil war/revolution that can be made by people of advancing years who may not be physically up to the challenge of more robust resistance efforts is to offer safe houses to patriots who are hounded by the emerging fascist government. I have room for at least two, myself. Just sayin'...


Steve Skubinna said...

He can get away with the during the dark times of fascist dictator Trump.

Had he pulled anything like it during The Lightworker's administration he would have had all the alphabet soup boys on his case, and maybe gotten a drone strike.

bruce said...

Yeah I'll never forget how the alphabet boys raided the Gibson guitar factory for incorrect paperwork or something, but mostly because they donated to the non-Lightworker cause.

ArtsandAmmo said...

I'm not saying Sullivan can succeed at fighting the pardon, but as I suggested a while back, I won't be surprised to see him try.

Paco said...

Not only would I not be surprised if he tried, I'm not entirely sure I'd be very surprised if he succeeded, the way things are going.

RebeccaH said...

I can't figure out why this judge has such a vendetta against Flynn. It seems his persecution of the general is very, very personal.

Paco said...

I agree. I think the thwarting of his will has triggered his monumental vanity. Plus, I have read here and there that the judge is a genuine imbecile who does not understand the basics, let alone the intricacies, of the law. Yet, what does it say about our judicial system that an actual moron can manhandle justice in this fashion?

ArtsandAmmo said...

Sullivan's refusal to dismiss based on the pardon gives Flynn new grounds for an appeal to the D.C. Circuit. I'm reasonably confident that if this arrives at the D.C. Circuit a second time, they will not be amused. He has basically thumbed his nose at their last ruling. I imagine they would immediately dismiss or order the case reassigned with instructions to dismiss. The latter, removing Sullivan, would send a message. Hopefully it would be accompanied by a strong raking over the coals in the opinion.

Veeshir said...

Flynn should just ignore him. Let him decree whatever he wants, nobody else is going to enforce his extra-legal will.