Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Of kulaks and cashiers

Cashiers of the world, welcome to the gulag! 

The dictatorship of the imbecilariat is going to be awesome


Veeshir said...

The person who wrote that considers himsel...hersel... xeself to be a good person and you a nazi whose very existence is an affront to all right-thinking people.

It's a funny old world.

Steve Skubinna said...

The revolution must always move forward. There must always be new previously undiscovered enemies to vanquish. The gulags were filled with people sincerely protesting "There must be some mistake, I'm a Party member in good standing! If only Comrade Stalin knew!"

Sorry, minimum wage cashier. Your Che shirt shall not save you.

JeffS said...

Commies are always on the lookout for oppressors. Look at how the Pol Pot regime started throwing its own guards into the killing fields.

Add in the pseudo-intellectual behavior encouraged by schools and the media, and this sort of rationalization is inevitable. There's a reason why the left always ends eating its own.

bruce said...

The funny thing though is that the arguments I'm having with my kids (family get together time) are the same ones I had with my parents in the 1960s:
Why must we have troops overseas?
Why must we blindly obey 'the authorities'?
Why must we look up to the people celebrated in popular media? And can't you see what a bunch of hypocrites our 'betters' are?

I say arguments, but just as my 1950s parents did, my kids get uncomfortable about any questioning of the narrative, and see it all as 'good' people vs 'bad' and 'we shouldn't talk like that', so censoring is ok, just as it was in the 1950s/60s. And Trump is just a 'bad' person that's all, and we shoould not question that because society's moral guides know better than we do who is good and bad.

I'm still the radical asking questions, while younger folks are the new 1950s establishment conservativess shuttting out what's going on. Happy Christmas all! :-)

Gregoryno6 said...

I've been waiting for one of these leftist twits to recognise the symbolic oppressiveness of white lines on black road surfaces. The author of that Reddit post may well be Tha Wun.
Merry Christmas to all! Many of you will be staying indoors to keep warm. I'll be staying indoors to avoid dissolving into a puddle of beer and mineral water.

Steve Skubinna said...

Gregoryno6, take a look at the NYT's latest scolding (via a safe medium if you can avoid giving them clicks). It examines the problematic nature of... Tiki bars.

No, really. They have, naturally, a "troubling past" that must be addressed.

This is not the day. Not this day, of all days. But maybe next week, or the one after that, then will come the day when we shoot people like that in the head and toss their bodies into the nearest dumpster. Don't ever scold me bout what foods I like, or presume to dictate what I may eat or drink. Not because of where my grandparents came from, or because of my skin color, or the language I grew up speaking... not for any damn reason.

Oh, and stay away from the cashiers, SJWs.

Mike_W said...

Our elitist overlords are now openly waging war on us.