Sunday, December 13, 2020

So, let me get this straight

You can unilaterally issue edicts that condemn thousands of old people to death and receive the accolades of the media and Hollywood and even an Emmy, but if you're accused of sexual harassment, you're fair game for the media. Got it.

Now, I'm not saying sexual harassment shouldn't be take seriously, far from it. It's just interesting to note the priorities of Wokeism. 


Steve Skubinna said...

Come on, Paco. Regarding Cuomo, the media is all about corroboration and due process. You know, the same stance they took with Gropey Joe. They're all about the due process 'n' stuff.

Remember when Kamala Harris said she believed Biden's accusers? And then she accepted his invitation to join the ticket.

bruce said...

Higher loyalties Steve.
Chanda Chisala has some eye-opening observations:

An African name but he's US-based and quotes Thomas Sowell a lot:

He's looking at levels of the civil service who dominate vote counting, and implies it was just about defending their cosy jobs and perks - pretty strong but simple motivation. The Frank Lucas analogy shows how authorities can underestimate coordination in an unexpected area. My wife is from Trinidad so parts of what Chisala says really hit home for us.

Steve Skubinna said...

Power, by any means necessary. That's their sole principle Bruce, and to which they always remain true.

bruce said...

Trinidad is an interesting case. Just from observation and experience, East Indians dominate small and medium business while African-descent dominate the civil service. Both started as poor laborers on the cane fields, slaves and indentured, neither had big advantages, but had clearly different priorities.

In the US you have a rising class of black small businesses and an old guard of unionised civil servants who like their 'constituents' to stay on the civil (welfare) plantation I guess, not to be independent with jobs and businesses - which is what Trump was encouraging.

bruce said...

Oh and Trinidad has been rich in oil which means big revenue supporting civil servant jobs, while most of the East Indian indentured laborers brought in by the British to replace African slaves after emancipation were farmers, who bought land and began farming as soon as their (10 yr?) indenture was fulfilled. Trinidad Indians have never trusted the govt and strove to be independent always.