Friday, December 18, 2020

The weirdest thing about Hunter Biden?

 He's the smartest guy Joe Biden knows.


RebeccaH said...

He couldn't even defend his son without trailing off and losing the thread, even with Sorta Dr. Jill sitting there to nudge him if he went too far off the track.

Steve Skubinna said...

I thought Obama was the smartest guy anyone ever knew?

bruce said...

Sicilians have a code of silence while Irish have a code of blarney. Misdirection, red herrings, feeding the pigeons, wild goose chases.

The Bidens remind me of my Irish family, right down to the way Hunter has subordinated his life to filial obligation and which turned him into a self destructive maniac. I escaped and was erased from history. Yeah so familiar, wow.

Steve Skubinna said...

Bruce, somebody lent me the DVDs of the first season of Shameless. It was really funny, he said.

Watched the first episode and said "nope." Not interested in watching the horrible life choices, however hilarious, of a dysfunctional Boston trash Irish family. Even though I like for the most part William H. Macy. Don't care to watch self destructive behavior, however "funny" the lovable gang of moronic misfits are. Ha ha. In real life, every one of you would be dead or in prison.

Now, I get that the entertainment sector hates the working class. They can't portray them as sympathetic, fully formed humans worthy of consideration. And if they do, as Ron Howard apparently has with his Hillbilly Elegy, the rest of them descend screeching to rend it asunder.

Gregoryno6 said...

Just in case anyone needed more proof that Joe's spent far too much time in the basement.

bruce said...

Hadn't heard of that one Steve, but it looks pretty sad from the online stills.
Yes I agree about the entertainment industry.

ArtsandAmmo said...

I think that's actually the weirdest thing about Joe. But then he's been in the Democratic party all of his life, so where would he meet any smarter people?

Steve Skubinna said...

Disagree, Gregoryno6. I think Biden needs to spend lots more time in the basement.

In fact, I think I want to slide a shovel handle through the cellar doors next time he goes down there.

Gregoryno6 said...

Fair point, Steve!