Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Yeah, that ought to resonate with the base

Former NJ governor Chris Christie - the man who makes Sydney Greenstreet look positively svelte -  is considering running for president.

Of the U.S., presumably. He does know, doesn't he, that the victor isn't decided based on who wins a hot dog eating contest? Although, come to think of it, that process would be a damned sight more transparent and fair than what we've seen in the very recent past.

Update  They probably figured that if the entire Democrat Party can do it, why can't they? "West Point accuses more than 70 cadets of cheating in worst academic scandal in nearly 45 years".


JeffS said...

Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., who leads the personnel panel of the House Armed Services Committee, said she found the scandal deeply troubling and West Point must provide more transparency to determine the scope of cheating.

That from a donk in Congress. Pot, kettle, black.

Steve Skubinna said...

You give me an idea for Christie's running mate... Peter Lorre.

Holding My Nose said...

After the 2020 Presidential election the winner isn't based on actual votes cast but instead virtual votes counted by AI software.