Sunday, March 14, 2021

I think the propagandists of the Dem/Media complex are now just using random sentence generators

I mean, I don't see how this follows, at all: "Chuck Todd to Dr. Fauci: 'It’s Inevitable' We’ll have more Pandemics in the Future Because of 'Climate Change'".


  1. Climate change is bad karma. It explains everything.

  2. It's utterly ridiculous how ridiculous our fine media betters have become.
    They realize they can say the most ridiculous things and nobody will call them out on it.
    Nobody except Trump, Tucker Carlson and a bunch of unimportant people (millions of unimportant people).

    And that's the biggest problem. Most of America still believes what the media tells them to believe. Sure all the polls say people don't trust them to tell the truth but they still do.

    Of course now that many people are starting to realize the emperor has no clothes, and we apparently have an emperor(s), they're going all out to keep us from realizing we're not alone.
    They're trying to go back to the days when the country had nobody but the NY Times, Wash Post, ABC, NBC and CBS to get their news.

  3. More pandemics "because of climate change" is a misrerabilist's wet dream.
