Monday, March 8, 2021

Jake the Fake may not admit it...

 ...but he is just another shill for the Erwachen Polizei, the purveyors of the woke oppression that is rapidly descending on our country like a giant blanket infected with intellectual smallpox: "Jake Tapper is a censor—shame on him".

Elsewhere, Scott Adams continues to manifest his awesome powers of observation.

Update  Just in time for International Women's Day, Gregory of The mind is an unexplored country brings us an important public improvement film (catch it now, before it gets cancelled).

Update II  More of the latest news on cancelmania from Christian Toto.


RebeccaH said...

Jake Tapper is the metrosexual equivalent of the woman who sells herself for money. If he had to, he would bend with the wind.

(I pat myself on the back for using polite language to describe what I really think about him.)

Paco said...

I think you show remarkable restraint in the face of extreme provocation.

Steve Skubinna said...

So... if you self censor in response to threats and intimidation it's no big deal, huh? I suppose Jake also believes businesses paying off the Mafia are engaging in "charity." I bet if I could have a one-on-one with Jake I could convince him to "voluntarily" quit journalism.

Paco said...

I'll hold your coat while you "talk" to him. And when the cops show up, I'll be like "I didn't see nuttin'".

Steve Skubinna said...

"He fell."

Paco said...

Here's da t'ing, officer. I distinctly sawr this guy trip over his own big feet An' dis fine gen'lman, here - what I ain't never seen before in my life - was kind enough to pick him up and dust off his jacket and his pants and even his face. A good sammarian is what he is, I tell ya.

Paco said...

Haw! Another thing comes to mind: that scene from The Untouchables where Eliot Ness throws Frank Nitti off the roof.

Partner: Where's Nitti?

Ness: He's in the car.

Steve Skubinna said...

"Ah, whadda galoot!"