Saturday, March 6, 2021

Progressive principles are just window dressing

What they really think makes them sound like what the media claim conservatives think:
According to a new book chronicling Joe Biden’s path to becoming the current President of the United States, former President Barack Obama stated that former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg could not win the 2020 presidential election because “he’s gay” and “he’s short.”

Gay and tall is ok, though, isn't it, Barry? 


bruce said...

Barry TNG O'Bama (Totally Not Gay).

Steve Skubinna said...

Americans will never accept short gay guys in a position of authority.

But for some reason senile old guys with a penchant for statism are fine.

Paco said...

Go figure. I'd vote for a short, gay conservative over any kind of leftist, any day of the week. Even Obama must know that at least Buttkeg's mental facilities - such as they are - are in better working order than Biden's. I think Obama detests Biden, and always has, but he makes a useful puppet.

Steve Skubinna said...

I don't care that Buttigieg is gay. I care greatly that the media cannot mention him without beating us over the head with how gay he is. It seems that his sole qualification is his gayness, which makes him unqualified to be anything.

Except gay.

Why is he a natural fit for Transportation secretary? Well, he likes trains. As do all statists. Plus, he proposed to his husband in a train station. Ah, so again we're back to "because gay!"

But why not? As Psaki keeps telling us, Biden's nominees are exceptionally qualified because they're women. Which I find inexplicable, coming from the party that denies that women even actually exist, save as a construct of the oppressive patriarchy.

Paco said...

Great observations, Steve.

Compare with Richard Grenell. Highly loyal to Trump, and also an exceptionally competent administrator. Gets no gay points at all from the Dem/Media complex - and he shouldn't, really, but neither should Bootygig, who is rightly disdained by conservatives for his knee-jerk socialism, not for his sexual preferences (or his height; what a strange bar to electoral success for Obama to conjure up, by the way).

One of these days, I expect I'll get wheeled into surgery for some damned thing or other, and I will take great comfort in knowing that, even though the surgeon finished at the bottom of his or her class at a third-rate medical school, he/she is a woman/transperson/Muslim/fill-in-the-blank with member of preferred Democrat voting bloc.

Steve Skubinna said...

What can I say, Paco? I just hate short gay socialists.

Incidentally I also hate tall straight socialists. I am an equal opportunity bigot.

Deborah said...

Both Obama and Biden are puppets, and as such, are useful. They were forced to work together.

Deborah said...

But what about short straight socialists, Steve?

Deborah said...

People want to be known for their merits, not their sexual or racial identity. The exception is those that are the first to do something, ex. Rosa Parks.

In the Army, we didn't want to be seen as the female soldiers, but just soldiers. But because there was a divide, we worked harder to prove ourselves.