Sunday, March 7, 2021

The dodo may be extinct, but there are things still plodding around that are just as stupid

A group with the improbable name of Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden professes surprise and disappointment that long-time pro-abortion advocate Joe Biden is actually, you know, advocating  pro-abortion policies.


bruce said...

My wife's West Indian mother had a dictum: 'If you don't hear, you will feel'.

(When they say 'feel' it usually means pain).

Paco said...

Your mother-in-law put it well!

Steve Skubinna said...

To me, this is inexplicable and I would appreciate it if anyone could explicate it unto me.

Where do these people get off, pretending they were unaware that Joe Biden is, was, and always has been, extremely pro-abortion? This is akin to somebody saying in 1935, "You know, I'm beginning to suspect that perhaps Herr Hitler does not like Jews very much."

I seriously can't comprehend the ingenuousness on display here.

Paco said...

Either dumber than the proverbial bag-o-rocks, or a false flag outfit that was trying to make it look like even some "genuine" evangelicals couldn't stand Trump.

RebeccaH said...

Evangelicals profess to see the best in everybody, but the fact is, they too often turn a blind eye to reality because they're not supposed to see what's there if it contradicts their preferred worldview. I used to know some of them who would have been hard pressed to unequivocally condemn Hitler (at least until he became Trump).

Paco said...

The big problem is that the "best" in Biden is pretty poor stuff, and is swamped, in any event, by his worst self.