Wednesday, April 14, 2021

If nothing else, this crap ought to make some of my buying decisions easier

Corporate America is selling us out (wholesale): "Hundreds of Corporations, Including Starbucks, Netflix, Sign Letter Opposing Election Integrity Laws".

The Left's long march through the institutions sure seems to have paid off, even in B-schools. We are looking at some very dramatic realignments - this particular one, with Corporate America bonding with the Democrat/Media complex, posing an extremely ominous threat to individual freedom. So, la trahison des clercs has expanded to include la trahison des hommes des affaires.


Veeshir said...

It's getting harder to find a company that doesn't hate me.
So far as I can tell, all corporations hate Amerikkka.

Veeshir said...

One thing that's weird is what they're doing.
In the past, big business always bought politicians but they did so so they could get favorable laws for their business, the so called Robber Barons are a good example.
But today's corporations are pushing left wing crap, like the trans stupidity/child abuse crap Walmart and whoever are pulling in Arkansas and South Dakota.

Mike_W said...

My secret invisible pal says that all these corporations are owned by, or are corroborating with, a cabal of extremely wealthy and evil people planning a total lockdown of humanity, massive population reduction by mandatory "vaccines" and a fascist NWO.

As George Soros said a few years back, "Everyone's on board".

Paco said...

Mike: Let 'em try. I'll be handing out 9mm vaccines.