Sunday, April 18, 2021

The reform of the Republican Party - if it's going to happen at all - must begin at the state and local levels

"How It’s Done: Trump Voter Wins Douglas County GOP Committeeman Then Replaces ALL of the GOP Board RINOs Who Refused to Serve With Him Because He’s Pro-Trump".


Veeshir said...

I stopped voting GOP in national elections in 2012, it was a waste of time. McCain kept winning and I didn't really care if Romney won.
I'm a little sad that Joe Arpaio isn't still sheriff and his minime, Babeu lost too but the new Pinal county (east and south of Phoenix) is pretty good.
Governor Ducey is a mixed bag, but at least he signed the "We ain't enforcing DC's gun grabbin" law.
I figure most of the sheriffs mean it, I'm not so sure about Maricopa (Phoenix) and Ducey though.
McCain's ghost still permeates the AZ GOP, it's sorta funny that I like Dem Kirsten Sinema much more than the last two GOP senators, Flake and McCain.
I mean, sure they cheated to get her elected, but the McCain machine choice, Kelly, would have continued the string of AZ senators who hate me. Sinema just dislikes me.

kc duffy said...

I voted for the Rs in national elections simply bcuz I will never vote for another D as long as I live, at any level, and I couldn't bring myself to vote third party. Trump 'spoke to me' more clearly than any politician I can remember - because he spoke TO the American People Nobody Cares About Because We Have No Money Or Power Or Skin Colour Of Note Of Any Kind - and he did it on twitter, which I follow (I don't watch tv or listen to radio "news"). I may never vote R again after the lily-livered Congress showed once again they don't give a rip about us...which I knew, but was slightly hopeful it was otherwise.

There is one exception. #LuvMyGuv - DeSantis could be Governor For Life as far as I'm concerned.

Tom said...

George Carlin had a good bit on not voting, 'Don't blame me, I didn't vote'