Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Certified Trump supporter. What are you going to do about it, Chris Wray?

I wasn't in Washington when the Wall-Mart-Black-Friday-style event occurred on January 6th, but no doubt the Fascist Bureau of Investigation will find a reason to knock on my door some day.  If - and it's a big if - the next presidential election is honest enough to put Trump or a Trumpian candidate in the White House, and if we want to eliminate this kind of outrage, the number one goal ought to be the extinction of the FBI. I do not think it is capable of reform, and, although there are good, patriotic people who work there, there are far too many employees at all levels (not just the very top) who either ardently support Democrat statism and are willing to serve as its brown shirts, or are content to fall back on the justification of "just following orders". 


JeffS said...

That’s true for a number law enforcement agencies. The BATF comes to mind.

Paco said...

Oh, the BATF practically leads them all in terms of the disdain they deserve.