Thursday, May 6, 2021

I am absolutely on board

The next Republican president - be it Ron DeSantis or some other Trump-like figure (possibly Trump, himself) - needs to clean house. Per Kurt Schlichter, our ideal president

...needs to get to firing. And right away. 

He needs to fire Christopher Wray at the FBI and most of the failed Bureau’s leadership. 

He needs to fire much of the Justice Department, in particular the Stasi cells that are persecuting political opponents of the Asterisk regime. 

And he needs to combine this with pardons, lots of pardons, to ensure their outrageous attempts to punish and silence conservatives come to naught. 

He needs to fire whoever the idiot was at the CIA that decided that ad with Intersectional Sue was a good idea. “I’ll have a vodka, shaken not stirred. Oh, and my pronouns are ‘xir’ and ‘xem.’” Putin and Xi must be busting a gut right now. 

Then there’s the Pentagon – there’s a lot of firing to be done there. Like the whole Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Schlichter also points out something that a lot of people, including yours truly, were saying for a long time: Trump's biggest failure was in the area of personnel. I don't think this was entirely his fault: the range of deception, ulterior motives, and criminal undermining that he encountered from the law enforcement and intel bureaucracies was far greater than practically anybody initially suspected. But there were some people - such as Wray at the FBI - who should have been canned early on, "optics" be damned. And John Durham's foot-dragging investigation should have led to his replacement months before the election.

In any event, a failure to seriously confront the Deep State by the next Republican president (always assuming there will be one) would be fatal to the cause of liberty and national restoration. 


RebeccaH said...

I agree wholeheartedly. I believe most of the rank and file have gone along to get along, but cleaning house at the top would be a strong case of pour encourager les autres.

Veeshir said...

I hope he goes with my plan.
Fire everybody in the Dept. of "Justice" GS-9 and up, replace the GS-14 and GS-15s with the fine folks at Judicial Watch, replace the rest with Freepers.
We might have a bureaucracy that actually likes America.