Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Well, which is it?

"Texas Democrat who called Tim Scott 'oreo' resigns".

But is he actually going anywhere? "Local Texas Democratic party declines to accept resignation of chair who called U.S. Sen Tim Scott an 'oreo'".

The Texas Democrat in question is Gary O'Connor, head of the Lamar County Democratic Party. He is being a bit hasty. As a white leftist, his offense should quickly evanesce based on the fact that he apologized for letting his fundamental bigotry out of the bag. Look at Governor Ralph "Coonman" Northram of Virginia. All the furor over his appearance, while in college, in either blackface or a Klan hood (I don't know if the precise sin was ever determined) was just so much fake drama on the part of the donks. The child-killing gun-grabber is still in office, wrecking havoc on the freedom of law-abiding Virginians. No doubt, the Democrats of the unfortunate Lamar County will likewise find a way to keep their lily-white expert on African-American wrong-think on the payroll.


Veeshir said...

He won't have to step down.
He's just a white Democrat saying racist stuff about a black man who doesn't know his place, standard fare.
It's not as if he said something nice about Trump.

Steve Skubinna said...

"Listen, you stupid Oreos, bananas and coconuts! Did you miss the part about me being a Democrat? Now go eat some watermelon or whatever it is you people do."

RebeccaH said...

A Democrat has to murder, cook, and eat a baby on live TV before the other Democrats will condemn him (or her, or it). A small thing like using racial slurs? TShaw!

Deborah said...

Fried chicken with watermelon.

Deborah said...

The apology and "resignation" attempt are just the usual crocodile tears. His statement regarding resignation confirms that no packing boxes will be delivered to his office.