Friday, June 11, 2021

Conduct unbecoming an officer

Or anybody else in uniform: "Human Events Uncovers Deleted Archive of Woke Commander's Tweets".

So, I wonder how many leftwing termites have infested our military, and are presently gnawing away at its foundations? Based on what I've seen over the last couple of years, the answer is "far too many".


  1. Wonder if this clown would support racially segregated units.

  2. Sure, why not? Since whites are such hard-wired psychos, they might turn on their brown comrades without warning.

  3. Im not surprised by this, nor is it anything new. Since Vietnam, the military has had to contend with the crap we now call "woke". When I worked in the Graduate School of my university, my boss was an ex-Air Force LTC who thought he was still running his former military supply unit (which he was RIF'd out of for failure to gain further promotion). On 9/11, he and some of my coworkers immediately began blaming the attack on America "for meddling", like the good little Democrats they all were. I was so shocked and angry, I shut them up with a few pointed words (and it's lucky for me that it's very hard to fire someone who works in a university). But he always took the side of whatever liberal trope came down the pipe. Were it not for the fact that he's probably toes up by now, he'd still be doing that.

  4. Rebecca: I commuted to Washington from Richmond on Amtrak for a few years and there was a guy on board who almost exactly matches the profile of the fellow you described: ex-Air force, tossed out for non-progression, ran his mouth all the time, a truly obnoxious Democrat. He was one of the reasons I started wearing gun range mufflers on the train (one of the best investments I ever made, almost totally shut out all conversations).

  5. I have to disagree on your headline, that's the conduct our fine betters want from the officer corps.
    They literally mutineed under Trump, by keeping troops in Syria when he said to get them out, they're supposed to hate America and Americans who don't hate Amerikkka now.
    Obama fleeing Iraq and leaving it for Iran and allying with moderately murderous jihadus in Syria are what our military brass is all about.

  6. Yes, "Dru" has committed actionable offenses under UCMJ by those tweets; certainly they are cause for him to be relieved of command.

    In former command climates, that is. As matters stand, he'll probably get a promotion and the Meritorious Service Medal. Or perhaps a Bronze Star, maybe with a "V" for actions under enemy fire.

    This clown was likely a senior lieutenant or junior captain when I was last on active duty. I saw more than a few of his ilk.
