Thursday, June 24, 2021

Conservative commentators and the obligatory anti-Trump smear

I've got no patience with, or respect for, conservatives who can't seem to make an argument against the horrors of the leftist cultural and political wave sweeping the country without taking cheap shots at President Trump: "The Anti-Trump Verbal Preemptive Cringe".

I think they're laboring under the misapprehension that there's a substantial "moderate" Republican base that is largely conservative save for their Trump hatred. Not so. There are RINOs and there are conservative grifters, but these people are political whores, they're not an important voting bloc. Writers and commentators who want to be taken seriously as conservative observers need to stop publicly accepting leftist talking points as true - especially since they are overwhelmingly not so.


Veeshir said...

Trump nevet threatened me with nukes.
Just sayin'.

bruce said...

They've already sold their souls.

stevew said...

So true, Paco. My senator, Ms. Collins, opposed Trump ostensibly because of his combative style and harsh rhetoric (Mean Tweets!), but look at what she supports, the policies and legislation, and you will see a senator with much more in common with the Left and Democrats. That appears to be true with all these anti-Trump conservatives. She opposed Trump because of what he attempted to do, where he tried to take the government, and she thinks she can make us believe that it was something else. Sadly, some of my fellow Mainers do.

Stephen Skubinna said...

These are the same "Republicans" who tut-tutted over Sarah Palin and worked to sabotage her. It's all about social class.

RebeccaH said...

What Veeshir said.

Anonymous said...

Trump never threatened me with nukes, but the media acted like he would;

I think Trump was the fulfillment of the frankj prophecy of Nuke the Moon