Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Looks like Loudon County, VA is ground zero for parental revolt against the woke public school system

School Board Walks Out in Virginia County as Parents Criticize Transgender Policy, Critical Race Theory.

A school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia, scheduled to discuss a proposed transgender policy, came to an abrupt halt Tuesday evening after the board ended public comment and proceeded to leave the room.
The board moved to end public comments after the crowd of several hundred erupted into cheers following critical remarks by former state Sen. Dick Black.
“It’s absurd and immoral for teachers to call boys ‘girls’ and girls ‘boys,’” Black said, referring to the school board’s proposed transgender policy, which would require educators to call students by their “preferred” pronouns and name.
“You’re making teachers lie to their students, and even kids know it’s wrong,” the Republican former lawmaker added.

I'm glad to see that parents are beginning to rebel against dictatorial, leftwing, unresponsive school boards. Keep the pressure on!

At the national level, our military has now transformed itself into the Augean Stables; cleaning the bureaucratic brass hats out is going to be an enormous task that will have to wait for Trump or a Trump-like figure in the White House, plus a radically-reconstituted Republican Party: "UNHINGED Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark A. Milley GOES OFF During Testimony – Blames 'White Rage' for Jan. 6 Attacks – Brags About Reading Marx and Lenin".

I cannot say that I am wildly optimistic.


rinardman said...

"– Brags About Reading Marx and Lenin".

It depends on why he was reading Marx & Lenin. I have read some, too, but for me it was more of a "know your enemies" than an "embrace your enemies" kind of thing. But, why do I have a feeling his reason was the latter?

Stephen Skubinna said...

Hope those Loudon County parents are prepared to deal with F-15s and nuclear strikes.

Because we have a POTUS that talks openly about doing just that.

Paco said...

Steve: Yeah, I heard that Biden was making noises about that. I'm pretty sure white rage/conservative rage/middle class rage - whatever the moniker of the moment happens to be for those who resist tyranny - is going to become a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Paco said...

R-man: I don't even see how Marx and Lenin fit into the context of what this martinet was talking about (trying to understand "white rage"). If he meant that the lie of white rage was a tool being used by commies to create strife and opportunities for revolution, I could see that. But, like you, I don't think he meant that.

JeffS said...

It's the context that is concerning, Paco. R-man is right, you read the works of the enemy to get inside their heads (Sun Tzu was a genius). But the CJCS is acting like those books are on the same level as the Federalist Papers or Clausewitz.

Very chilling. The professional soldiers still in uniform must be really worried about now. The purges are coming.

bruce said...

The problem is these elites who think they speak for 'the white race'. They're wealthy and successful and they think that applies to all 'whites'. They are privileged, and they feel some guilt, so they dilute that guilt by projecting it on to all 'whites'.

Heard of 'conflation'?
'Conflation is the merging of two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, opinions​, etc., into one, often in error.'

Marx's theories centre on social class. Now, people are conflating race and class.

I remember some woke journalist here denying that Australia has a working class, because 'Aborigines are the real working class'. Umm, no, that's erronoeus conflation.

And anyway there are obviously plenty of black members of the elites now, which with old elites like Milley and co., looks a lot like the type of parasitic social class which Marx talked about - The elite class who will be swept away when the workers of all races rise up. (There are no more 19th century 'satanic mills' so 'working class' now would mean small businesses, which again are run by all races).

The elites are panicking so they try to set races against each other, pathetic.

So Biden reminds us that they've got nukes. Tell that to the Tennessee Overmountain Boys who defeated the British Army! - I just heard about those guys, wow.

Bucky said...

Remember that all of the military brass hats were confirmed by the Senate. It's a safe bet that most Roll Over Party Senators voted yea for each and every one of them.

Remember Ashli Babbitt!

Veeshir said...

It's also ground zero of Shut Up You.
They had a couple people arrested for disrespecting their betters.
I have a real problem with the cops for that.