Saturday, June 12, 2021

We must guard against the dangers that emanate from ALL monopolistic concentrations of wealth and power

 Mike Davis discusses the consolidation and abuse of private power.

Lax antitrust standards and even laxer antitrust enforcement have led to a new Gilded Age in which our sovereign power—“We, the people”—has long since been swamped by increasingly concentrated, private, and overwhelmingly woke corporate power. The sooner Republicans embrace this reality, the better, not just for Republicans but also for the Republic we can feel slipping through our fingers.
The deep irony of this story is that it was mostly Republicans who steered antitrust off-course in the first place. We created the conditions that led to woke corporatism. Yes, we made our own cancelation possible because we magicked away the threat from concentrated, woke corporate power by whittling down our once-impactful antitrust laws. We did this not appreciating that the private power we enabled would eventually come for us.

1 comment:

Veeshir said...

I don't know if 'lax laws' started it, but the laws don't matter anymore for the rich, famous or powerful so it doesn't matter what they say. Google and Facebook folks blatantly, under oath, on live TV, lied to Congress and not a thing happened.
We'd have to start with law-makers, both parties, and law-enforcers before fixing laws.
At this point, anything that doesn't include firing a lot of bureaucrats and voting a lot of bastids out is about useless.