Friday, August 6, 2021


Yeonmi Park, a defector from North Korea, was robbed by three black women in Chicago, but prevented from calling the police by meddlesome, officious white Karens.

In Atlanta, gang members try out a little micro-secession, and wind up killing an 8-year-old girl.


  1. NYC deserves everything DiBlasio is doing to them.
    I'll laugh my butt off when it becomes totally unlivable.

  2. I agree. Ultimately, the people are responsible for their elected officials. I don't know how New Yorkers ever became so warped in their thinking to believe that DeBlasio, Cuomo, etc., etc. were good choices, but I've seen little to convince me that they've learned from their mistakes.

  3. Hey, it just occurred to me. If people can form their own autonomous zone anywhere they see fit and control who enters, why can't we form our own autonomous zone, and ban all liberal Dimocrats from entering? And remove any that happen to already be inside the zone, of course.

    They would be outraged, but hey, it was their idea, we would just be turning it into a good idea.

  4. The song Ebony And Ivory comes to mind - for all the wrong reasons.

  5. If I were ever mugged by blacks, and white women tried to stop me from calling the police because it's "racist", it would go very badly for those white women.
