Friday, August 13, 2021

Twenty years after the September 11th terror attacks... looks like Kabul is about to fall to the Taliban. 

And President 31 Flavors is heading off to Wilmington, Delaware for what I'm sure we'll be informed by his Mamluks is some well-deserved down-time.

Infuriating. Heartbreaking. And this buffoon still has the gall to wear the uniform of his country...

Of course he won't go. They'll probably give him some kind of medal (maybe the Cross of Useful Idiocy, first class)


  1. Hell no, Milley won't go. He's too compliant with the ruling "elite", and too comfortable in his position.

    Dollars to donuts, the intelligence community was fully aware of the Taliban plans, the Joint Chiefs of Staff were fully briefed ... ... and they didn't care.

  2. Obama helped ISIS, The third Valerie Jarrett admin has to uphold the tradition.

  3. Who didn't see this coming? Dopey Joe's handlers were told over and over again what would happen, and the only response was: "We'll ask them to play nice." Is this what they WANTED to happen, because I don't understand how brain dead you have to be not to know it would?

  4. I think one of the few things standing in the way of a full-on leftist takeover is the massive stupidity of most of the people who make up the left.

  5. I mean it certainly isn't pork merchants like Mitch McConnell or squish-muffins like Mitt Romney who are offering any useful resistance.

  6. I remember Trump agreeing to be out by May 1st; if the brassholes had been doing their jobs and listening to their Commander in Chief, rather than thwarting his efforts to get usout of that pit of vipers, they would have had plans for a pullout and that pullout well under way by inaguration day.

  7. I'm sure Trump would have handled a withdrawal infinitely better, and would have been primed for any resurgence of the Taliban - had the top brass, as you point out, been working with him instead of against him.
