Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Working-with-your-hands Wednesday



  1. Nice job! Although he skipped over most of the re-soldering connections while putting it back together.

    And I thought he'd have problems with the power supply -- that looked like a "wet" capacitor. Those tend to dry out, in which case they might explode. Pretty that ain't.

  2. I'm not sure this was a particularly practical project, but I'm in awe of people who know how to do this stuff.

  3. You should look up how the old vacuum tube radios are restored; this TV is simple in comparison. My hat is off to this restorer, but some thermionic valves required large voltages to work. Stick your finger in the wrong place at the time and ZAP!

  4. Made me remember a 9" Radio Shack B&W TV I put in storage about 10 years ago. I think I got it in the early '80s, so about the same vintage as the one in the video. I think I'll go pull it out, and plug it in to see if it still works. Of course, it's analog, so it won't pick up any TV stations; but I still have a VCR and a few VHS tapes, so....well, what are the odds that they'll still play? Slim, I'd guess. Tape doesn't age well.

  5. Jeff: I found a radio restoration on YouTube. A bit long, but worth the watch (I'm sure there must be lots of them). The intricacies of the thing are amazing.

    R-man: My first tv - and it was the first tv Mrs. Paco and I had for the first few years of our marriage - was a Panasonic pop-up tv-and-radio set. I think the screen was something like 5 or 6 inches. Black and white, of course. The first time we saw Gone With the Wind was on this television (Haw!)

  6. GWtW in glorious B&W on a 6" screen. Kids today have smartphones with screens that big. :-)

    When I was in college, I was lucky...I had a 12" B&W TV that was the second biggest on my dorm floor!

  7. 12 -inch screen? Pretty uptown, dude!
