Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Co-blogger Buck Throckmorton at Ace of Spades: "Governmental ethics laws that are enforced against only one side of the political divide are not laws at all – they’re weapons."

This list is surely going to be much longer if Sniffy the Wonder President stays in office: "Nine months that shook the world: A list of Biden’s failures".

Whoa! This a$$hole is operating right in my former stomping grounds: "SOROS-BACKED VIRGINIA PROSECUTOR LOSES AGAIN".

Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin is about to get some help: "President Joe Biden will campaign for Terry McAuliffe on Tuesday".

Yeah, I'm sure that's it: "Omar Blames Minneapolis Lawlessness on ‘Dysfunctional Police’".

A refresher on Resident Biden's "improbable victory".

I hope he's right, because this kind of massive intrusion into the life of our citizenry is intolerable: "Manchin predicts $10,000 IRS reporting rule will be stripped from budget bill: ‘Gone’".

Texas strikes back at Biden's abandonment of the southern border: "Texas Gov. Greg Abbott makes good on border security threat, authorizes state National Guard to make arrests of illegal aliens in historic first".

The perfect analogy for the revolting drag queen story hour phenomenon that has been creeping into public library reading programs...


1 comment:

  1. That picture of the wolf with makeup reminds me of someone I know. She's an artist, she's totally in the tank for the Democrats because her son is gay, and she has pushed the gay agenda. When she started posting Facebook pictures of her and her son forming friendships with drag queens that's when I unfriended her. The woman is Brandoned in the head.
