Thursday, October 21, 2021

For a super genius big-brain smart lawyer...

 ...Attorney General Merrick Garland seems to be strangely ignorant of the world around him.


  1. There's also his disingenuous statements (a/k/a "lies") regarding an alleged rape in a Loudoun County school, as it relates to his memo labeling parents complaining to school boards as "domestic terrorists". Garland claims that "I don't know any of the facts of this case."

    From the linked article:

    Are you freaking kidding me??!! The entire NSBA letter used Scott Smith’s reaction at the Loudon school board meeting as an example of domestic terrorism! The DOJ memo took that information and used it to craft their memo! So for Garland’s tap dances to include a denial of knowledge of this case? Garland is a tool. A complete and utter tool.

  2. He's using the Obama defense. Just as Barack Obama, the Chief Executive of the US, was always caught unawares by what the executive branch was doing, Merrick Garland, the Attorney General, can't be bothered to check up on what the Justice Department is up to.

  3. The dumbass gambit. I've seen it before, and I just don't see how people aren't flat-out embarrassed to employ it. But these people check their dignity at the city limits when they decide to become fixtures in the D.C. bureaucracy.

  4. The FBI prosecuted Scooter Libby because he couldn't remember.
    They're dancing on the grave of the rule of law and seem to think that we aren't noticing it.

    If the FBI questions you, the only response is "I have nothing to say."
    If you say anything else, they'll prosecute you.

  5. I've been told all my life that ignorance of the law is no excuse.
