Wednesday, October 6, 2021

If you're going to be an integral part of a tyrannical government...

...I suppose your family ought to make a few bucks off of it, right? "AG Merrick’s Son-In-Law Is Co-Founder Of Company Selling CRT To Public Schools".


  1. That’s one thing Cocaine Mitch did right, keeping that corrupt SOB of the SCOTUS bench.

    But that’s a small comfort, given the havoc Garland is creating.

  2. Yeah, Mitch kept the guy off of SCOTUS, but he voted to confirm him as AG, I believe. So, once again, the guy Kurt Schlichter has inexplicably and bizarrely called the "most effective legislative knife fighter in generations" manages to draw blood from what is nominally his own side.

  3. What a surprise that there is some kind of incestuous insider shenanigans going on. Everyone in our government seems to be related to Big Bucks somebodies.

  4. Even ideological "purists" are finding a way to cash in.

  5. Yeah, Turtle found another to screw over Americans.
