Friday, October 29, 2021


Jonah Goldberg, who appears to have acquired his status as a "conservative thought leader" in return for sending in fifty cents and two box tops of Zu Zu Ginger Snaps, has written an op-ed, having as one of it's premises an idea that is not only idiotic but completely unoriginal. Bruce Thorton at FrontpageMag:

But Goldberg’s proposal for breaking Trump’s allegedly malign hold on some 70 million followers is shocking even by NeverTrump standards. After surveying, and rejecting, various other means for neutralizing Trump, such as anti-Trump Republicans becoming old-school moderate Democrats, he proposes creating a third party that would vet Republican primary candidates for their subservience to the “Trump personality cult,” and if found wanting, “a non-Trumpy [sic] candidate could play the role of spoiler by garnering enough conservative votes in the general election to throw the election to the Democrat.” And just to be clear, Goldberg adds, “The point is to cause the GOP some pain for its descent into asininity.”

Idiotic, because this is the way you get Biden. Completely unoriginal, because this is what the NeverTrumpets have been braying for years. 

Goldberg's not any kind of leader, certainly not of a genuinely conservative movement. He's just a guy driving the honey wagon at the end of the Democrat/RINO circus parade.


  1. Or maybe the actual grassroots Republicans can hold their own tribunals. What do you think, Jonah? Are you ready?

  2. Not only driving the honey wagon but also the guy getting out and shoveling it up. What's remarkable is this Democrat belief in a "Trump cult".
