Saturday, October 2, 2021

Sunday funnies


This is the first time I've ever seen something that went under the stove come out under its own power (H/T: ditto).

I guess this it what it means when you go about trying to find yourself.

From Powerline's The Week in Pictures.


  1. That out-from-under the stove gif wins my vote.

  2. Tree was from Picasso's garden.

  3. Whilst still a federal employee, I kinda looked forward to pending government “shutdowns” … … because they never really are. Some parts of the federal government do shut down, while others remain open. Depends on the legislation authorizing the funds.

    The conniptions were amusing to watch, and the kabuki theater was hilarious, even if it never changed …. The passion displayed alone was worth the hassles. Richard Burton couldn’t have done better.

    1. You win a Special Commendation for the use of "conniptions". Perhaps Richard Burton couldn't have done better, but William Shatner might have rose to the challenge.

  4. It took a second look at that picture of Dopey asking the magic 8-ball if he's senile for me to realize he's looking at a bowling ball. Sometimes I'm not quick myself.

  5. JeffS, when I was in the gov't I was almost hoping for a shutdown.
    Get a couple weeks off, then get paid for it afterward.

    The dog slide was hilarious. The first German Shepherd made me laugh, he went down bassackwards.

    David Thompson had a reddit post by an indignant girl whose father was unhappy about all the hair she left in the sink. "What hair?" she asked, "This hair!" her father answered.
    My house, my rules appears to really upset youngsters these days.

    1. My house, my rules upsets youngsters of every generation.

  6. I was working at the USDA during the month long shutdown, we had funding and got paid; we were all pissed off afterwords when the people who had the month off got their full pay, and ever after I didn't worry about government shutdowns.

  7. I can't remember whether we went through a government shutdown, but my agency's charter expired once, and we were down for awhile. The goal, of course, is to make sure you're not counted as an "essential employee". I had "non-essential" tattooed on my forehead, just so there would be no mistake.

  8. Jaycee: that tree does look like something out of Guérnica.
