Tuesday, November 9, 2021

A surprisingly just decision by the Catholic diocese of Springfield, Illinois

The Catholic Church has, in recent years (especially under the reign of its current pope), occasionally given the impression of looking upon Jesus Christ as merely chairman, emeritus, of a socialist NGO, only mildly interested in fundamental, timeless moral issues; therefore, it comes as a breath of fresh air to see Catholic authority actually sticking up for the traditional beliefs of the ancient faith: "Catholic Senator Dick Durbin Denied Communion Because He Supports Killing Babies in Abortions". Durbin's kicking about it, of course.

In the new interview, Durbin complained that some Catholic leaders are being “fundamentally unfair” by denying Communion to politicians like himself. He said he thinks anyone should be allowed to participate if they think they are worthy to receive the Eucharist.

Hey, Dick - may I call you Dick? - this is why it's called the Roman Catholic Church, not Dick Durbin's Church of Political Expediency. Every voluntary organization has the right to define its raison d'ĂȘtre and the terms of membership - so, get thee behind me, senator!


  1. Durbin The Turban™ is not a friend to anyone not supporting his political ambitions. I recall his dissing troops during the early years of the Iraqi occupation.

    I am not Catholic, but I would urge the Church to excommunicate this S-O-B.

    1. I enjoy a good excommunication, and he is very worthy, as are a few others. He needs to get in line. But we fantasize because this Pope doesn't have the cajones. I wonder if any of the voting cardinals have buyer's remorse.

  2. Deb: I wouldn't be surprised if there were actually more than just a few cardinals (and bishops and rank-and-file priests) who are what you might call NeverBergoglios.

  3. as I read the article his home diocese excommunicated him in 2004, excommunication is just refusing him the sacrament; he forum shopped, and found thatthe Chicago diocese would allow him to take Holy Communion. I think bot Pelosi and Biden's home dioceses have excommunicated, refused them Holy Communion, but the Archdiocese of Washington says they're ok.

    1. I thought excommunication was a penalty handed down from the Pope. Apparently, the Pope does it for higher level adherents, whereas lower level types are handled by the Dioceses. Could the Catholics here verify my info, please.

  4. Prelates from the Pope down to bishops and the heads of religious orders can pronounce excommunication; I don't believe parish priests can.

  5. the Bishops rule their diocese as Princes of the Church; the Pope is the Bishop of Rome. Bishops generally don't step on each others toes, like police outside their jurisdictions, making pronouncements regarding stuff/people outside their jurisdiction. So, the home Bishop/diocese would be the authority over the person regarding Excommunication. Forum shopping or taking Holy Communion outside your diocese is uncool because you know your Bishop's ruling and you might be committing a sin by taking Communion; I'm not a Doctor of the Church, but I think that's how it works.
