Thursday, November 11, 2021


Update: Busted link on the Kerry story fixed.

Don't let the doorknob hit you in the a$$ on the way out: "Bye-Bye Lying Brian! The Worst of the Outgoing MSNBC Anchor’s Career".

I will miss the memes, though...

Chamber of Commerce whores: "Republicans Voted for Biden’s Infrastructure Bill After Securing Cash from Chamber of Commerce".

JD Vance has an interesting take on Kyle Rittenhouse.

So does Matt Walsh...

So, John Kerry's standing in the lane that doesn't have any tanks in it, I guess: "'Not My Lane' – John Kerry Chuckles When Pressed on China’s Use of Slave Labor to Build Solar Panels".

Remember when we used to have habeas corpus? Good times, good times.

Hey, one more jab and I get one of these!


  1. The Lurch Link is bad, Paco.

  2. Thanks for the heads up; it's fixed now.

  3. I still cannot understand why voter ID is racist, but demanding vaccination papers is necessary and good.
