Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Cuomo News Negators

Once again, CNN proves that it won't do the right thing until pushed as far into a corner as possible: "Chris Cuomo Suspended 'Indefinitely' By CNN".

And this might not be anything but window dressing, anyway. Still, it sure would be nice to see this guy's career, along with his brother's, sleeping with the fishes.


Veeshir said...

He committed the cardinal sin in 21st century journalism, he got caught lying.
That makes the rest of the liars look bad and even worse, might harm Dems' chances of winning an election with minimal voter fraud!

Paco said...

Talleyrand: "Worse than a crime, this is a blunder."

Deborah said...

What is this "minimal voter fraud" that you speak of?

RebeccaH said...

I lean toward thinking Fredo will be reinstated at some point, because after all, they brought back Pud-Puller Toobin. OTOH, the Cuomos have made a lot of pretty powerful enemies in New York, where Toobin did not, and Letitia James seems pretty adamant about driving the Cuomos out of power.

Stephen Skubinna said...

Toobin came back. Brian Williams came back. Even Dan Rather came back.