Thursday, November 11, 2021

Happy Feet Friday

From 1949, here's the man himself, Hank Williams, with “Honky Tonk Blues”.

Bonus video!  If you ever find yourself in need of a banjo, and all you have is an acoustic guitar, here's a simple solution.


  1. Yeah, never tried a balloon but I tried to get different sounds on guitar when I was young, after seeing Jimmy Page play with violin bow, or Django Reinhart's solos using pinch harmonics.

    Nowadays it's all digital and you can get any sound on electric guitar thru a box gizmo, but I'm hopeless with numbers and just fiddle with the dials till I get a sound I like, to muck around with, just for my own enjoyment.

    One thing I've found is it gets hard to use a wah wah peddle as you get older - too stiff in the limbs. Which may be why Eric Clapton doesn't used a wah wah peddle any more when he plays his old 1960s songs. Ah, youth! :-)

  2. Wah wah pedal - a young man's game.
